Senior Kindergarten is very important in preparing students for grade 1 and setting the foundations for success.
And while your young ones are in our care you can enjoy the early drop off and late pick-up that we offer.
Let’s talk! 905 707 7580

Our SK English program consists of the following:
- Read independently, read aloud in a way that communicates the tone
- Independently select stories and other reading materials by a variety of authors
- Write simple, complete sentences
- Write a short story
- Use punctuation to help them understand what they read
Oral Communication
- Present at least two oral projects to the class in a group or independently
Our SK Mathematics program consists of the following:/em>
Numbers and Sense numeration
- Mentally add and subtract equations up to and including number 50
- Add and subtract two-digit numbers
- Count by 1, 2, 5, 10’s up to 100
- Describe and classify three-dimensional figures
- Name coins up to $2
- Demonstrate an understanding of an ability to apply measurement terms: height, length, width, time, money
- Read analog clock and tell time to the hour and half hour
- Compare patterns using objects, pictures, actions and spoken words
French in the pre-school environment helps students to naturally transfer into French Extensive or French Immersion programs. Exposure to French at an early age allows for a steady growth of knowledge and skills. Studying French as a second helps students strengthen their first-language skills and enhance their critical and creative thinking abilities. We provide students with fundamental communication skills, an understanding of the nature of the language.
- Recognize numbers up to 10
- Names of colours
- Names of fruits and vegetables
- Names of animals
- Names of family members
- Objects around us
Students engage in activities and exercises that develop their musicality, creativity and flexibility. They learn the elementary positions and movements as well as spatial awareness. They play ballet inspired games to improve memory skills and initiative in the classroom.
The program includes barre, centre, allegro, and grand allegro exercises, such as:
- Proper alignment of the body
- Plie, Releve, and Temps leve in positions number I and II
- Battements tendus from position number I
- Reverance
- Demi plie in positions number I and II with battements tendus
- Port de bras I
- Chasse from position I across the floor
- Gallop in position VI across the floor
Students will enjoy collaborating and creating as they learn the fundamental concepts of visual art – colour theory, pencil drawing and painting techniques. These activities will guide them through new creative ideas and experiences.
- Use imagination, observation, and stories to create images: an imaginary character, creature, or place
- Create images using colors, different shapes, lines and patterns
- Create images featuring colour (e.g., using favourite colours, primary colours, warm and cool colours)
- Experiment with different materials: pastel, crayons, watercolor and acrylic paint, fabric, clay and found materials.
- Use computers, paint brushes, scissors, and glue to create a variety of images
- Create 2-D and 3-D images
Within these two years my children’s academic achievement grew up greatly. Also my children participate in the concerts, performances and variety of parties. I can say with confidence that my children are developing socially, emotionally, cognitively and physically in Victoria International Academy and with its team.
Huge thank you from me as a parent to all of the teachers! Huge thank you for their effort and support! Absolutely, no doubt I will recommend this beautiful school for my friends, co-workers and relatives.”
Olga P.
Thank you Victoria Ballet Academy for providing my child a happy and safe environment to learn.”