
This scientifically developed program puts your child on theĀ fast track to physical and emotional development. The experience and mastery of our educators helps students fulfill their full potential.


At our school, children engage in exercises and ballet inspired games that make them feel happy, allow them to sleep well at night, have good appetite, improve memory and be driven. You will see fast results in posture improvement, avoid many sick days, andĀ improve conditions such as flat feet, pigeon toes, and scoliosis. Children develop musicality, creativity, flexibility, and spatial awareness. These students are the first candidates to be the youngest performers in our theatrical ballet productions.

Classes are conducted by a certified teacher Elena Dmitrieva, Master of Education, former Russian ballet star.


Try a week of one-hour long classes for just $62.50, Monday through Friday at 3:30 pm.


This program is part of our Kindergarten educational curriculum. Want to know more?



For ballet gurus:
The program includes exercises at the barre, in the centre, allegro, and grand allegro.

Proper alignment of the body; Plie, Releve, and Temps leve; Battements tendus; Reverance; Demi plie with battements tendus; Port de bras; Chasse; Gallop across the floor; and more.